Sмаrt City Evaluation Framework (SMACEF): Is a Smart City Solution Beneficial for Your City?
Michal Lom, Ondrej Pribyl
There are currently presented ”smart city” solutions from the biggest worldwide corporations through start-ups up to the universities. It is indisputable that some of them are for sure very interesting and beneficial for citizens and cities themselves. Nevertheless, there are too many provided solutions that make it very hard to evaluate which are really beneficial and which are not. A simple and understandable framework that would allow cities to evaluate a proposed smart city solution is currently missing. The aim of this paper is to provide an approach for evaluation of particular smart city solutions and to determine whether it is suitable and beneficial for the city. Cities are dynamic, non-linear, complex systems and the evaluation cannot be done by a static and deterministic program in most cases, but dynamics and non-linearity of cities must be considered. While modeling is widely used in transportation or energy management, in the field of smart cities, no modeling approach has been used. In this paper, SMACEF (SMArt City Evaluation Framework) is proposed and its contributions are shown on a case study. Full Text