Journal of
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics

 ISSN: 1690-4524 (Online)



Cross Cultural Seminar Inspires Multidisciplinary Learning: From Biomedical Engineering to Gerontechnology
Shigehiro Hashimoto
Pages: 1-7
Gerontology is picked up in the aging society in the world. In Japan, for example, the generation balance will change in a few years. A variety of technology, on the other hand, will help the ageing society (Gerontechnology). In “Biomedical Engineering”, the human being is analyzed by the methodology of engineering, and the engineered design is applied to the human being. Between the engineered system and the biological system, the interface has been studied and the collaborative system has been designed. You can find out the same base of philosophy between “Biomedical Engineering” and “Gerontechnology”. The effectiveness of the cross cultural seminar on multidisciplinary learning has been discussed in relation to “Biomedical Engineering” and “Gerontechnology”. Several multidisciplinary learning programs have been practiced as cross-cultural seminars of students: in Japan, in Thailand, and in USA. They have learned how to communicate with persons, who have a variety of studying backgrounds and a variety of cultural backgrounds. The training awakes students to several points: thinking from different points of view, and using various communication tools. The process extends the communication skill, inspires cross-cultural understandings, and compensate the gap between generations.

Generation Z Students: Will They Change Our Computer Science and IT Classrooms?
Lila Rajabion
Pages: 8-12
The students who are age 21 years and below, born either in 1997 or after, are the ones belonging to the new category of Generation Z. Naturally, in regards to any other groups of generational cohorts, the Generation Z students have their unique and distinct characteristics which subsequently influence the approach that they have towards work and education. The paper presents information about the Generation Z students’ personalities, their views about work and education, the need of information faculty to understand about the students, and the implications for computer science and IT educators.

Networking Research, Policy and Practice: Designing a District Technology Plan through Collaborative Professionalism
Lorayne Robertson, Laurie Corrigan
Pages: 13-19
When examining technology implementation in schools, more research is available on the role of the school leader than on the significant leadership role that the school district fulfills in technology support and implementation. This paper reviews the practical, theoretical and policy considerations surrounding the scheduled renewal of one school district’s technology plan. The authors outline steps undertaken in one school district that elected to create a collaborative professional learning team rather than hire external consultants to suggest improvements to the district technology plan. An internal team of district professionals collectively analyzed the outcomes of the district’s previous technology plan. Next, they worked collaboratively to recommend future directions for technology implementation in the district. The team considered practical elements such as the allocation of personnel and resources. The theoretical elements considered included equity, capacity-building, innovative pedagogies, and connected learning. Policy was both a driver and an outcome of this process. The team supplemented their decisions with just-in-time research with a university partner in order to identify strengths and barriers affecting technology innovation in the district.

How “Publish or Perish” Can Become “Publish and Perish” in the Age of Objective Assessment of Scientific Quality
Erzsebet Dani
Pages: 20-25
The point I wish to make is not what we all know: that the methods to assess the quality of research achievement are controversial. I do not wish to call into question the raison d’être of scientometric approach, its methodology or its particular indicators either. Nor am I aiming at coming up with systematic solutions of the contradictions (although I hope to offer some thoughts in that direction later below). Many have called and keep calling attention to the rigid and uniform application of the numerical approach (counting publications), arguing that it is doing injustice to certain areas of science.1 With that as a starting point, this study is intended to serve two purposes. One, in a much sharper tone than generally used in discussions of the topic, I wish to call attention to how extremely harmful the present scientometric practice may be for many scholars and scientists. Two, also partly in support of the former argument, I propose to demonstrate—to the degree of breadth and depth that the size-constraints of this paper make possible—how the crucial contradiction in question at the core of the present practice follows from the myths generated by scientometry itself.

Here is the paradox: it is the mechanical application and overvaluation of the scientometric assessment of research performance, the very objectivity designed to guarantee equal and fair treatment that does, in fact, lead to the devaluation of quality research effort and discourages even kills the will to conduct research in several disciplines. That is to say, the partly true, part-fun proverbial “publish or perish” principle, which urges the research scientist or academic to keep publishing for the sake of career advancement and academic survival, turns into the trap of what we can describe as “publish and perish.” How a well-intentioned and basically most welcome development, scientometry, or rather, its method of application as well as the myths it generated yield the “publish and perish” phenomenon is the subject I will address below.

1 inanimate (physical) natural sciences and mathemathical sciences, animate (life) natural sciences, human- and social sciences

Stellar Transformer Concepts: Solar Induction Driver of Natural Disasters Forecasting with Geophysical Intelligence
Bruce Leybourne
Pages: 26-37
Understanding how Stellar Transformer Induction concepts explain Space Weather and Cosmic Ray links to our Solar System Endogenous Energy, Magnetic Moment, and Plasma Core Planetary Electronics with Geophysical Intelligence has become paramount for understanding what drives most Natural Disasters on planet Earth. The science works toward unified solutions within an Electric Universe paradigm. Interdisciplinary efforts in unraveling these relationships should become a national priority as part of our “Space Force” development. In addition a myriad of interrelated Natural Disaster Forecasting is likely possible with Gravity Magnetic Modeling, and mapping of Lightning and Earthquake activated Mantle Circuits with new methodologies under development. With these new technologies increased accuracies are expected in forecasting of sever weather outbreak such as, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, tectonic activity such as, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and certain types of Wildfire outbreak related to solar activity such as Coronal Mass Ejections, Solar Flares and Space Weather fluctuations tied to Cosmic Ray inputs. As well as internal affects linked to Axial-Radial Solar Induction. Climate Change is just part of this puzzle, historical significance of Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) impacts in the past are likely to become realized as a dominant control on the geologic and tectonic history of earth and larger functions occurring at the Solar System level.

Applying Individualized Symbolic Mental Structures with Four Intellectual Utilities for Implementing Cognitive Learning in Two Different Level-Physics Courses
Matthew E. Edwards
Pages: 38-42
In this paper, we have considered two competing methodologies, which may be used as the first two of four necessary utilities for implementing effective cognitive learning—the type of learning that is achieved by assimilating and accommodating new information with prior knowledge. The first of these methodologies has been provided through constructivism. According to the philosophies of the renowned psychologist and philosopher Jean Piaget, learning a new concept requires the mind to enter a state of disequilibrium and then progress through stages to re-establish a new equilibrium. Human intellect persists in a dynamic equilibrium state, while maintaining self-satisfaction and contentment. This equilibrium state allows reflective thought and reassurance within an individual about what he or she already knows. Moreover, according to Piaget, a student is thrown into a state of mental disequilibrium with the onset of receiving and assimilating a new concept, and it is a desire to remove the disequilibrium that results in cognitive learning. The second method for implementing cognitive learning has been advanced by the lesser-known Soviet Psychologist Lev Vygotsky, who expressed the notion that cognitive learning does not occur from removing a state of disequilibrium, but rather, it occurs from Cognitive Development instead. Cognitive Development occurs from the integration of both learning and an individual’s sociocultural development, and as an outcome, manifests as an effective cognitive learning procedure. Additionally, Vygotsky has provided the philosophy that the nurturing of students is required in order to have both learning and sociocultural development to occur concurrently, instead of having only a natural assimilation and accommodation from a disequilibrium as asserted by Piaget. In this regard, we have reviewed briefly Jean Piaget’s Constructivism, Lev Vygotsky’s Cognitive Development Adaptation, Karl Popper’s Three Worlds View Hypothesis, with its falsifiability component, and Bloom’s affective and cognitive domains while considering each structure as a separate utility. Lastly, we have presented our notion of applying Individualized Symbolic Metal Structures (ISMSs), which allows through these methods the first-step effort beyond rote memorization to achieve cognitive learning.

The Influence of TICs for the Development of SMEs (Case of Aguascalientes Mexico)
Jesús Vivanco
Pages: 43-46
The objective of this research is to identify the influence of the use of Tic's in the development of SMEs and it is considered that the use of information technologies can lead SMEs to generate innovation in products, processes or controls and has detected that the use of Information and Communication Technologies Tic's in SMEs is an essential element in the integration of the basic activities of the operation, since the economic activity of SMEs requires systems that allow them to remain in the market , to be at the forefront, and of course to generate a performance; This research has shown through the analysis of the empirical evidence of the literature studied, that the use of Tics tools as a means of administration and operation of SMEs could improve the performance and development of SMEs.

Reductionism in Everyday Life, Technology, and Science - An Exploration of What is Concealed and Revealed in Practice
Paul D. Nugent
Pages: 47-51
In this paper, I draw upon a diverse selection of observations made by philosophers and scientists to think about habitual ways in which human beings reduce things in their world to a convenient subset of their total properties. This is a natural and important activity, however in invoking Heidegger’s concept of Enframing, we can establish a vantage point from which to think about tensions and issues that this introduces to various spheres of human activity.

The Notion of Global Data Fusion and its Application to Cyber Security
Mario Lamanna
Pages: 52-57
Global Data Fusion is one of the main technologies used in complex systems. While the application of data fusion has already been proposed for the implementation of specific tools, its extension to the overall design process of a complex system is far from a desired target. The development of advanced architectures based on an interdisciplinary design approach makes this extension possible, especially at the higher levels of the architecture, involving situation assessment, impact assessment and process refinement. This paper analyses one of the advanced cyber security architectures and explores the capability of this architecture to include data fusion tools at the top level of the architecture. The effects of the generalisation of data fusion techniques are then analysed and the consequent improvements in the network security of critical infrastructures are described and quantified.

Real World Experience: Developing Novel Sensors - An Interdisciplinary Approach
Suzanne K. Lunsford, Lei Zhai, William Slattery
Pages: 58-62
The Development of environmental sensors to detect harmful heavy metals and phenols in water have been an increased concern in the last few years. Our interdisciplinary approach to an inquiry -based lab experiences with the development of modified electrode sensors to detect heavy metals and phenols simultaneously without the need for prior separation has built a stronger tie to real world issues. The problem-based approach of how to develop an electrochemical sensor for heavy metal detection has gained momentum due to increased exposure to Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd). Pb and Cd are neurotoxins in children with chronic exposure and there is a need for a reliable method to analyze heavy metals (Lead and Cadmium) in environmental and biological samples. Thus electrochemical techniques were integrated with the development of Carbon Nanotubes with selective polymers modified on to electrode surfaces with nanoparticles to enhance the detection of phenols and heavy metals will be discussed with real-world applications integrated with industry. The students have shown an enhancement in content knowledge gains with the problem-based real-world analysis of sensor development compared to the lecture based format of teaching. Also, students’ collaboration among different universities/departments and industrial settings to learn novel instrumentation such as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) have built upon their interdisciplinary approach as well.

On-Line E-Portfolios in Higher Education - A Multidisciplinary Approach
Suzanne K. Lunsford, William Slattery
Pages: 63-67
The Science Teaching for Ohio’s New Economy (STONE) and Partners in Earth System Science (PIES) professional development programs are long term, collaborative experiences for in-service k-12 teachers. The summer and academic year components of both programs are designed to increase the integrated science content, pedagogical knowledge and technological abilities of teams of K-12 teachers in high need Ohio school districts. Teachers selected for participation are from schools serving a population of students who are approximately 63% economically disadvantaged. Each of the programs are composed of three distinct phases. These are Phase I Summer field and lab experiences, Phase II on-line internet experiences where the E-portfolios are developed and implemented and Phase III academic year web conferences to continue the development of the E-portfolios, assess students learning gains in content and discuss future plans. The participating teachers serve as catalysts and mentors to other teachers in their schools and districts, driving curriculum change within their school buildings and school districts. The development of E-portfolios are a critical element of both the STONE and PIES programs. During the academic year, Participants of both the STONE and PIES programs meet in an online setting to develop and share classroom activities, strategies to assess student learning in inquiry-based activities and share plans to continue their activities in the future.

The Benefits of Peer Feedback in an Online Environment
Nanda van der Stap, Risa Blair
Pages: 68-71
This paper discusses the advantages to be had by structuring assignments and activities in the online environment to include peer feedback. This paper will first argue why peer feedback is an essential element in any learning process and why particular so in an online environment. Accordingly this paper will consider the challenges and how to meet them. Finally, this paper will consider students’ evaluations on peer feedback.

A New Approach to Training and Software: Good Instruction vs. Good Software
Russell Jay Hendel
Pages: 72-79
In this computer age, CAS, Computer Assisted Software, is common, available, and used in both University teaching and Industry Training. The purpose of this talk is to address a new approach to assessing CAS usefulness. The typical approach, both in the University and Industry settings is, “Does it work?” “What are the ‘before and after’ scores and are they significant?” This approach is flawed for three reasons: I) INSTRUCTION vs. SOFTWARE: We already have a rich literature on good instruction that is supported by before-after analysis. This instructional literature should be both sufficient and necessary to evaluate software. II) SOFTWARE OMISSIONS: If the software is lacking an important instructional feature the current attitude is to wait for the next software version before implementing; contrastively, we advocate concurrent supplementation of the software with necessary instructional aids. III) CONTRADICTORY STATISTICAL RESULTS: The over-emphasis on software necessarily leads to contradictory statistical results on efficacy since the important driver of instructional methodology is typically lacking from the experiments. As time permits, examples are given from several disciplines using the four pillars of good instructional pedagogy advocated by Hendel in a recent book.

Awareness in Information Security
Margit Scholl
Pages: 80-89
The digital transformation taking place in society is changing social behavior. Technical developments must be understood and designed in an acceptable user-friendly way. In line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union (EU), information security (IS) must be in place for the use of mobile devices and services, in particular IS by design and IS by default. Nevertheless, the significant and associated hazards of abuse and organized crime must be prevented. Information security awareness (ISA) is a necessary response to the challenges ahead. IS and ISA must be an integrated part of these agendas. The goal of IS is to protect information of all types and origins. Psychologically based research shows that a systemic approach might be helpful in raising awareness. This is where game-based learning (GBL) comes into play. Psycho-logical studies show the great importance of emotionalizing when communicating IS knowledge and the reliable exchange of experience about IS. A new integration of analog serious games and different learning methods, called awareness training 3.0, is needed as a means to incorporate knowledge transfer, emotiona-lity, and team-based applications. This paper summarizes impor-tant scientific findings, transfers them to the practice of IS train-ings, and discusses examples.

Implementing Hybrid Education: Short-Term and Long-Term Considerations
Ronda Sturgill
Pages: 90-93
Implementation of any graduate program is a timely process. Hybrid education provides another layer of complexity when starting a program. Both short-term and long-term considerations are critical during the implementation phase. This paper will discuss the short-term considerations including faculty, communication, and resource availability. Long-term considerations presented include adaptability, continued communication, and continued allocation of resources. Lessons learned and future recommendations of implementing a hybrid delivered graduate program will be discussed.

On Social Engineering Attacks and Unintended Data Disclosures: Two Major Categories of End-User Cybersecurity Error
John Coffey
Pages: 94-99
End user error continues to be a significant root cause of cybersecurity data breaches. Despite widespread progress in the establishment of training for end users and a slight downward trend in end user error-mediated compromises as a percentage of total successful attacks and data breaches, the absolute number of successful attacks and the overall amount of disclosed data continue to trend upward. Reporting of data breaches remains problematic, as will be described here. Modern social engineering attacks are sophisticated occurrences that bear little resemblance to early, primitive phishing exploits, and despite large increases in end-user training, they still succeed. Significant amounts of sensitive data continue to be exposed by unintended data disclosures not precipitated by social engineering attacks. While organizations are awash in broad guidelines for the implementation of training programs, most guidelines do not provide details on the most common and most damaging types of breaches. A detailed analysis of the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse database of data breaches reveals patterns of errors that end users make that can inform the creation of more highly focused training programs.